(it's all about quartetting)

What exactly is a Harmony Brigade rally and how does it work?
A Harmony Brigade rally is an invitational weekend for good quartet-level singers who are vocally capable, committed to learning challenging arrangements, and who are prepared to enjoy success in rally activities. The charts are of championship caliber, somewhat challenging, and would be beyond the ability of less experienced men. It is *not* a chorus-oriented event.
Individual preparation is the key to enjoying the Brigade, for yourself as well as the quartet men around you! The expectation is that all arrive at the Brigade “performance-ready” for all 12 songs as in a quartet. Coming less than prepared is not an option.
By August, you will receive a sheet music booklet and a learning CD with your part predominant for all 12 songs to be sung at the Rally. (Sheet music and learning tracks are also available as downloadable files).
The weekend is filled with quartetting and every man is urged to sing at least one song with every other attendee from the other three parts. A fun contest is held with random-draw quartets. A Saturday evening show for the public showcases guest quartets, step-out quartets from the rally, and a large chorus of brigaders.

A scholarship fund has been established to provide financial assistance for younger singers to attend our Brigade Rally. For information and application click here: